To know Nicoleta is to know goodness and sparkle. Nicoleta Taylor brings fresh perspective and food for thought in the beautiful work she offers the world in the pages of this book. Nicoleta’s light shines bright in a world that can be very confusing and frightening at the same time. She reminds us of how interconnected we truly are, and how important it is to value our connections with both the seen and unseen.
Truly our world and the universes beyond are filled with vibrational frequencies that support us on our life’s journey. Nicoleta’s amazing collection of poetry in this book will reignite the knowingness that we are never alone and that our thoughts and actions do have a vibrational ripple effect that reaches a never-ending universe that is our world.
Becky Norwood
Book Publishing Expert/CEO
Spotlight Publishing
It has been a joy getting to know Nicoleta Taylor. We met while serving as contributing authors of chapters to a collaborative book about wisdom and grace. Nicoleta embodies both of these lovely qualities in abundance. After reading her story about being a traveler here on earth, her gifted imagination quickly became evident.
However, I soon learned that her talent far exceeds just putting words on paper. Her writing is truly heartfelt, but it also causes the reader to think deeply about the imagery being expressed. This is a pivotal time in human history. People are waking up as if from a long sleep. Every living form on Terra is connected and we truly are ONE. I encourage you, the reader, to share this book of inspired poems. As we support each other in rising to higher energy frequency vibrations, those energies will ripple out in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. This is a book about hope.
Norma-Jean Strickland
Positive change activist in support of conscious evolution
Published author and editor
Classical musician and educator
Idea generator
This book is the perfect gift for all Terrans
On this special day, when we celebrate our dearest planet Earth, the launching of this book is the perfect gift for all Terrans to remind them how blessed they are to have been born here and to have had the amazing opportunity to enjoy all the beauties that God created and planted on her.
As I was reading each poem, I felt deeply touched by the author’s peculiar ability to depict the various aspects related to the genesis and the evolution of our planet, as well as her ever-growing threats due to climate change and over-exploitation. This book is an invitation to each and every Terran to reconsider their attitude and their understanding of their place, role, and presence on this planet. We are not supposed to take any of her gifts for granted. We are not here to exploit her and leave her damaged and crippled by our existence.
The author, Nicoleta Taylor, is one of the most incredible humans I have ever met. She is made up of all the elements that she writes about. Stardust, Light, Fire, Air, and Water are all encapsulated in her beautiful mind and spirit. She has traveled across the universe and she has also dived below the surface of the earth collecting memories, feelings, and sensations that she has turned into these intricate and elegantly crafted poems.
In a world full of so much pain and turmoil, Nicoleta Taylor’s book of poems is like a lighthouse that can help us recall the route to our humanity and our very essence, which is Love.
Iulia Gavrilas
Translator and motivational speaker
Beautiful and inspiring!
A beautiful, inspiring, book of poetry that reminds the reader of deeper soul truths! I loved it and highly recommend it!
Amazon Customer
An incredible book of Poetry!
A gentle reminder of where we came from and why we are here! “Love”
Mary Kay Owen
A Powerful Reminder of Who We Are!
This is such a powerful and beautiful book of poetry by Nicoleta! It's a reminder of who we are and why we are here. Through her poetry she's helping humanity to open their hearts to Mother Earth and each other.
Lisa B.
Are you being the best stewards?
Nicoleta has a deep insight into how we work with the elements of Terra. Her poetry makes you really think how to be the best stewards of the planet. We all need to be reminded to make this a better world.
Amazon Customer
The Mothership Terra is Profound
Nicoleta Taylor has written a most compelling and unique prose with her interpretation of our journey on this planet and this Universe. I will go back frequently to re-read and absorb more of the message of love she has shared.
Sandy Rogers
Bestselling author
Connections Ambassador at
An Ethereal Journey with and Tribute to our Planet
Nicoleta Taylor transports us into a poetic journey with our planet... which she calls Terra. We and every creature who journey with our planet she calls Terrans.
She writes:
"I live in a Country called Terra
neighboring Mars and Venus
in the realm of the Sun."
Nicoleta's tribute identifies Love as among the elements of Fire, Water, Air, and Earth that make up Terra -- which is also a spaceship in her own right. Terra is the Mothership.
We have come to pivotal point in our journey on our Mothership. "Sending out an S.O.S.," Nicoleta writes, "Terra is now leaking the Love element."
One of the treats of reading Nicoleta's book is knowing that this talented writer's first language is Romanian. She has, as she describes it, "channeled" her words entirely in English. She touches us with this moving tribute and reminds us that love is the crucial element by which we and our planet survive.
This small but elegant book is a perfect Earth Day release, and a meaningful gift to those who love our planet/mothership.
Betsy B.
Beautiful and touching
I read the entire book in one shot. I absolutely loved it. Very inspirational.
Reinaldo Torres
An astral journey into our shared global consciousness
Nicoleta Taylor’s Terrans is an astral journey into our shared global consciousness. I found her collection of poems to be a thoughtful reflection of human existence, which is needed now more than ever, as we continue to impact “Mothership Terra.”
One of my favorites, “One Country” takes the reader through an imagined landscape of our planet as one country of unity, free from political, racial, and social divide.
Five of the poems offer a deep dive into the elements fire, air, water, earth. The inclusion of the poem “Love” immediately following the elements asks the reader to consider love as the final element, the archelement, which creates life and oversees the others.
I am still working to deconstruct “Blueprint” and the possible meaning of the numeric values referenced. I originally thought perhaps they were tied to frequencies of color, or perhaps rgb color code. I do love a puzzle and will enjoy continuing to work to understand it completely.
I am still in awe of how seamlessly and eloquently Nicoleta was able to tie together science, consciousness, and love. After reading (and re-reading) the entire collection, what resonates the most for me is the question she asks at the end of the prologue, “Quo Vadis, Terrans?”
Michelle D.
A Book of Prayers
Terrans is a book of prayers, a bible for those experiencing this world. Nicoleta's recognition of our coexistence with planet Earth is profound. She expresses concern for the paths we're on, illuminating other possibilities while always maintaining her love and respect for Terra's inhabitants and their choices. This is a beautiful book to keep close, a cogent, comforting reminder of our worth, value and options as we navigate forward.
Tamara Klein
I started reading your book, what a deep lovely fantastic person you are. It captured me and I savor it. You are such a talented writer! You have a way with words like no other. You could feel your passion.
Sandy M.
Your book sounds lovely and congratulations on the great reviews. Mother Earth is very grateful to you assisting her and all beings upon her.
Joy A.
Hello, your book is beautiful as you… a great gift for Humanity and our mother Earth.
Susan S.
Your English is fantastic...
John W.
Your book is a cosmogonical marvel, yo have covered all of the spiritual aspects, from the cosmic consciousness in permanent dialogue with the antennae that we are, to the sacred geometry, chakras, and the energetic imprint of the sum of our adventures in the universe. You had a divine inspiration, I have no doubt, because I often said "wow" while reading it, and my heart danced to the rhythm of its verses, aligning itself with the drum beat of the universe. I really liked the very original approach to this presentation, a modern philosophy in an approachable, playful, but profound form, with a deep understanding of our place within the divine consciousness.
Gabriela M.
You must read this book! It is beautifully written and I enjoyed rereading as well.
Amazon Customer
The Imaginist - a World of Worlds!
The "Imaginist" is a collection of stories that explore the power of imagination and creativity. Each story is accompanied by a stunning illustration that brings the words to life.
One of the stories, that left a deep and pleasant impression on me, is “Umäni” by Nicoleta Taylor (Chapter 12), a captivating tale of a woman who travels from a distant two-binary system to Terra (Earth), where she encounters the human race and integrates in a life of a human being, born in Romania and living later with a lovely family in Phoenix, Arizona.
Umäni are creatures that evolved from the forest of their world, and they are connected by a collective consciousness that transcends physical boundaries. They are also bound by a mysterious force called Love, which keeps their two stars in orbit around each other. "[..] the Umäni are One, their embodied fractals", and in their world "there is no hierarchy, only cyclicity".
The communication "replicates facets of the language of creation in a complex of sounds, feelings, visualizations, and channeling coded to reflect the building blocks of life manifested by the Source in the current octave of our evolution." The sample chapter tells us that the author will take us into a journey from what she remembers from her "last life in the daylight of Um, the cradle of Ma, and the nightlight of Ni." Looking forward to read the whole book, which is going to be soon on the market!
The author, Nicoleta Taylor, writes with a poetic and lyrical style that transports the reader to this fantastical world. She also infuses the story with wisdom and insight that reflect her own personal journey and philosophy. The story is a beautiful tribute to the diversity and unity of life, the almighty power of Love and a reminder that imagination can open the doors to new possibilities and perspectives.
Alongside other beautiful stories, "Imaginist" is a book I highly recommend to anyone who loves fairy tales, fables and folklore, and who appreciates the beauty and imagination of art and literature.
Marius B.
Îi mulțumesc din tot sufletul lui Orlando Balaș pentru onoarea de a mă include în articolul Eco-lirica românească la început de drum din Studii de știință și cultură, volumul XIX, nr. 1, martie 2023, revistă editată sub egida Universității de Vest „Vasile Goldiș” din Arad.
”Studiul prezintă eco-lirica românească în contextul poeziei occidentale pro-natura. Sunt prezentate trăsăturile eco-liricii și câteva repere ale dezvoltării ei la nivel mondial, apoi operele cele mai semnificative ale poeților români care pot fi încadrați în acest curent. Sunt discutate cauzele posibile ale dezvoltării întârziate ale acestei nișe în literatura română: cadrul social-istoric, particularitățile culturale și specificul pieței literare din România.”
Orlando Balaș scrie: ”Eco-lirica are un loc aparte și în literatura din Statele Unite. Printre cei mai cunoscuți poeți pro-natura americani trebuie menționați Gary Snyder (n. 1930, autor al mai multor cărți de eco-proză și eco-poezie, cum ar fi Mountains and Rivers without End / Munți și râuri fără sfârșit, eco-poem în 39 de părți, scris între 1956-1996), Rick Bass (n. 1958, fost geolog și petrolist convertit la eco-literatură, autor al unor cărți ca The Sky, The Stars, The Wilderness / Cerul, stelele, sălbăticia, 1997) sau Jim Harrison (1937-2016), care în poezia sa a acordat o atenție deosebită „persoanelor non-umane”, în mod special păsărilor și câinilor. În SUA activează și poeta și prozatoarea Nicoleta Taylor, născută în 1970 în România, care a publicat în 2022 volumul de poezie ecologică Terrans: To MotherShip Terra’s Stewards, with Love / Pământeni: Către echipajul navei mamă Terra, cu dragoste. La fel ca scriitorii americani menționați anterior, ea vede o unitate între Terra și viață, între Pământ și locuitorii săi, prezentați ca niște călători în Cosmos la bordul unei uriașe – și unice – nave mamă.”
Le mulțumesc din tot sufletul lui Marius Buculei și Adrianei Szilágyi cu revista ASTRA - Artă și Literatură, pentru onoarea de a-mi include interviul și două poezii în numărul din august 2023.
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